Board of Trustee Meeting Info

Meeting Frequency: Typically, there are 2 virtual meetings and 2 in-person meetings each fiscal year. Virtual meetings are facilitated through an application called ZOOM Meetings and in-person meetings are in the greater Nashville area. The board sometimes decides to do more virtual or more in-person meetings depending on the current projects and agenda. If you can not attend an in-person meeting, you still have the option to participate virtually. 

Dress Code: All meeting dress is business casual unless otherwise specified. If you are attending any other events on behalf of the board, please consider the type of event and elevate your dress as necessary. 

Travel, Housing, Per Diem, and Expenses: Please be diligent to search for the best price before making any reimbursable purchase as we want to be the best stewards of our donor’s dollars as possible. 

Expense Reports: An expense report or itemized receipt listing report is required for all reimbursement requests. The CFO can send an expense report form electronically upon request. An example is included within this manual. Any reimbursement request single item above $25 requires a receipt.

Airfare: HFI will only reimburse lowest cost, coach class airfare. If above $500, pre-approval from the President/CEO or CFO is required. If you elect to drive, mileage at the rate of 30 cents per mile can be requested, not to exceed the cost of a coach airfare ticket. 

Per Diem: For meals, ride-shares and other small expenses, you have the option of collecting all receipts and turning them in for reimbursement (not to exceed the per diem rate) or simply requesting the per diem amount of $50 per day and not worrying about keeping up with receipts. Any group meals will be deducted from the per diem or receipt reimbursement. 

Hotel: For official in-person board meetings, HFI will make the group reservations and pay for one room for each person. You are responsible for placing a credit card on file with the hotel for incidental expenses.

Parliamentary Procedures at Board Meetings: All meetings follow Roberts Rule of Order. For reference, you may want to find The ABC’s of Parliamentary Procedure to familiarize you with the rules. For further advice, contact the Foundation’s General Counsel.

Basic Rules:

1. Do not begin debate on a topic unless there is a motion, already seconded, on the floor.

2. If you wish to modify a motion that has been made, you may propose an amendment. Once seconded, discussion should be restricted to the specific question of whether or not the amendment should pass or fail. Discussion on the main motion can wait until the amendment is voted upon.

3. A motion to end debate and go to a vote (“I move the previous question”) is not debatable and requires a two-thirds majority to pass.

4. A motion to suspend discussion of an issue (“I move to table the motion”) is not debatable and requires only a majority.

5. You may interrupt a speaker to request a point of information.

6. We “receive” reports but do not “adopt” reports.

Once a motion is made, the Chair will ensure the Secretary has the exact wording of the motion before we proceed with discussion. If you anticipate making a motion, it helps if you can provide it in writing in advance.